citizen science toolkits
Plywood, Nepalese fiber, bamboo, collection viles, writing utensils, hand-drawn identification zines and guidebooks
As part of the Danda Ecosystem Monitoring Program, this work was created for the ecology and students of Pratiman-Neema Memorial Foundation in Siddharthanagar, Nepal. Curriculum and worksheets adapted from the Ecosystem Monitoring Program.
Community-science toolkits were created to assist students in the engagement with the artworks installed on site. We hope that when the students wear the toolkits, they become active agents and performers who are engaged with data collection and the improvement and health of the Danda River. The toolkits are wooden boxes made with materials local to Siddharthanagar, Nepal.
Within the Community-Science toolkits are three handmade guidebooks: Arthropod Identification, Qualitative Data, and a Botanical Field Guide. The kits also contain a handmade bag filled with writing and scientific utensils, a set of five vials for collecting plant and water samples, and a film camera that can be used by students for taking photographs. The toolkit unfolds in a manner so that students may kneel or sit in order to draw and observe their surroundings; using the toolkit as a table/workspace while collecting data in the field. The strap and design on the front of the box references hand-made Dhaka fabric local Nepalese textiles
Pages from Botanical Field Guide
The Danda Ecosystem Monitoring Program was supported in part by the Burning Man Global Arts Grant